7 Surprising Health Benefits of Fast Track Hypnosis

7 Surprising Health Benefits of Fast Track Hypnosis

When one hears the term “hypnotherapy,” it often conjures images of stage hypnotists and dramatic antics. However, the reality of Fast Track Hypnosis is far removed from these theatrical displays.

Fast Track Hypnosis is a unique therapeutic technique created by Alan Gilchrist, utilising guided relaxation, intense concentration, and various techniques to achieve a heightened state of awareness, often referred to as a trance. This process enables individuals to deeply focus their minds, tuning out external distractions. Unlike common misconceptions, Fast Track Hypnosis does not involve going to sleep or losing control. Instead, it empowers individuals to unlock their subconscious mind, fostering profound changes in their thoughts, feelings, and behaviours.

Why Fast Track Hypnosis Matters

Fast Track Hypnosis offers a non-invasive, drug-free path to wellness, making it an appealing option for those seeking holistic care. Understanding its health benefits is not just about finding another treatment method; it’s about discovering a powerful tool that can complement traditional medicine and enhance overall well-being.

In Northern Ireland, renowned practitioner Alan Gilchrist has been pioneering Fast Track Hypnosis for over three decades. Alan’s work in Belfast and across Northern Ireland demonstrates the profound impact Fast Track Hypnosis can have on people’s lives.

Unraveling the Mysteries of Fast Track Hypnosis

Fast Track Hypnosis operates on the intricate connection between the mind and body. At its core, it engages the subconscious mind, the powerful undercurrent beneath our conscious thoughts and actions.

Through this engagement, Fast Track Hypnosis facilitates a deep state of relaxation and focused attention. In this relaxed state, individuals can explore thoughts, feelings, and memories that are often distant from their conscious awareness.


Neurologically, Fast Track Hypnosis is believed to alter brain wave patterns, specifically increasing the frequency of alpha and theta waves, which are associated with deep relaxation and meditation. This shift facilitates a heightened state of suggestibility and internal focus, allowing for effective behavioural or emotional change.

Harnessing the Power of the Subconscious Mind

During a Fast Track Hypnosis session, the conscious mind takes a back seat, allowing direct communication with the subconscious. This state is akin to daydreaming or being engrossed in a book or movie. Research suggests that during hypnosis, there is an increase in the activity of theta brain waves, commonly associated with deep relaxation and meditation. This shift allows for a greater connection between mind and body, facilitating healing and behavioural changes.

The Fast Track Hypnosis Approach to Stress Management

Fast Track Hypnosis significantly accelerates the process of stress reduction. It combines traditional hypnotherapy techniques with Alan’s unique advanced methods, making it a time-efficient approach for those seeking quick relief from stress.

The effectiveness of conventional hypnosis in stress management is not merely anecdotal; it is also supported by research. Studies have shown that hypnosis can significantly lower cortisol levels, the hormone associated with stress. Furthermore, research indicates improvements in the balance of the autonomic nervous system, which controls the fight-or-flight response, further aiding in stress relief.

The Hypnotherapeutic Path to Anxiety Reduction

Anxiety, a prevalent concern in today’s fast-paced world, often leads individuals to seek effective and sustainable relief.

Hypnotherapy, particularly Fast Track Hypnosis as practised by Alan Gilchrist in Belfast, offers a unique approach to alleviating anxiety symptoms. This technique delves into the subconscious mind, addressing anxiety at its root.

Fast Track Hypnosis for anxiety works by inducing a state of deep relaxation, countering the heightened state of arousal that characterises anxiety. Through this relaxed state, individuals can explore and reframe the underlying thoughts and beliefs that fuel their anxiety.

The process involves guided imagery and positive suggestions, which help rewire thought patterns, leading to a reduction in anxious feelings. It is particularly beneficial for individuals grappling with time-sensitive anxiety issues, such as upcoming events or specific phobias.

A Soothing Solution for Sleep Disorders

In the quest for a good night’s sleep, many individuals find themselves struggling with insomnia and other sleep disorders. Alan Gilchrist’s Fast Track Hypnosis is ideal for those seeking restorative sleep. Fast Track Hypnosis for sleep improvement focuses on calming the mind and body, creating the optimal conditions for sleep.

These techniques include guided relaxation, positive affirmations, and visualisation exercises. By addressing the underlying anxiety or stress that often contributes to sleep disturbances, Fast Track Hypnosis helps break the cycle of sleeplessness, encouraging the mind to let go of the day’s worries and enter a state conducive to restful sleep.

Transforming Eating Habits with Fast Track Hypnosis

Weight loss is a journey that goes beyond mere physical transformation; it encompasses a significant shift in mindset and eating habits.

Fast Track Hypnosis offers a compelling solution in this journey. It addresses weight loss not just as a physical challenge but as a psychological one, making lasting change more attainable.

Fast Track Hypnosis aids weight loss by targeting the subconscious drivers of unhealthy eating patterns and lifestyles. Through techniques such as positive suggestion, visualisation, and specialised methods, it promotes healthier eating habits and a more active lifestyle. This approach is extremely effective in overcoming emotional eating, reducing cravings, and enhancing motivation for physical activity.

A Beacon of Hope for Mental Wellness

Mental health, an essential aspect of overall well-being, often requires a multifaceted approach for effective management. Fast Track Hypnosis provides a unique method for combating mental health challenges, particularly depression, by tapping into the profound capabilities of the subconscious mind.

Fast Track Hypnosis works by inducing a state of deep relaxation and heightened suggestibility, allowing individuals to explore and reframe negative thought patterns and beliefs that contribute to their mental health issues. This technique is effective in instilling a sense of calm, boosting mood, and enhancing overall emotional well-being. It is particularly beneficial in treating depression, as it aids in altering the underlying thought processes that perpetuate depressive states.

Nurturing Self-Belief with Fast Track Hypnosis

In a world where self-esteem and confidence are crucial to personal and professional success, many seek effective ways to enhance these qualities. The Fast Track Hypnosis method by Alan Gilchrist in Belfast offers a unique approach to improve self-esteem and confidence. This technique delves into the subconscious mind, addressing deep-seated beliefs and perceptions about oneself.

Throughout this exploration of the various health benefits of Fast Track Hypnosis—from stress reduction to improved mental health and enhanced self-esteem—one thing remains clear: hypnosis, especially innovative methods like Fast Track Hypnosis by Alan Gilchrist in Belfast, holds significant potential as a complementary treatment. Its ability to address a wide range of health issues at both psychological and physiological levels showcases its versatility and effectiveness.

Contact Information

Got a question for Alan? Want to book an appointment or find out more information?
Call Alan on 02890 333303 or email [email protected].

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