Conquer Blushing with Fast Track Hypnosis

Conquer Blushing with Fast Track Hypnosis

When I first started my practice 40 years ago, like most people, I assumed the most common phobias I would treat would be related to mice or spiders. However, this is not the case. The most common phobia I treat is BLUSHING!

Understanding Blushing and Its Impact

I see several individuals each day struggling with this devastating phobia, while only a few people a month seek help for the fear of mice or spiders.

The fear of blushing, known as eureuthophobia, often coexists with the fear of being stared at (scopophobia), which amplifies feelings of social disgrace. Those who suffer from this phobia are often terrified of making a fool of themselves and turning red in front of others. This leads to a cycle of tension and panic, making the blushing even worse.

People with this phobia frequently go to great lengths to hide their symptoms. For example, men may grow beards to disguise blushing, while women often resort to makeup or tanning to mask the visible signs. Others might let their hair fall over their faces or wear polo neck jumpers to cover their necks.

Many blushers even choose to sit in dimly lit areas or near exits when out, just in case they need to make a quick exit. Some may even develop nasal problems as a convenient excuse to carry a handkerchief around their nose.

The Unseen Struggle

Interestingly, blushing tends to occur in visible areas, such as the face and neck, rather than on hidden parts of the body.

Over the years, I have successfully treated thousands of individuals grappling with this crippling phobia. I have heard countless heartbreaking stories of how blushing has affected people’s lives—cancelled weddings, lost jobs, ended relationships, and even relocations to sunnier places in a bid to maintain a tan. Unfortunately, the “burning feeling” associated with blushing often lingers regardless of appearance.


If you are a blusher and there are no underlying medical reasons for your condition—such as rosacea, a chronic skin disorder affecting over five million men and women in Britain—then Fast Track Hypnosis can help you overcome this challenge.

The Fast Track Hypnosis Approach

The sessions are designed to instil confidence, promote general well-being, and alleviate nervousness associated with blushing. Each client receives downloads and learns auto-hypnosis techniques to apply in new situations.

While it’s normal to blush occasionally—such as when tripping over something or hearing a rude joke—what’s not acceptable is being controlled by this fear every hour of every day.

My process typically requires about four sessions, depending on your response and commitment. This is significantly faster than traditional methods employed by psychologists and conventional hypnotherapists.

Take the First Step Towards Freedom

If you’re ready to conquer your fear of blushing and regain control of your life, Fast Track Hypnosis can provide the support you need. Don’t let this phobia dictate your life any longer. Contact me today, Alan Gilchrist, at 02890 333303 or visit