Smoking and Health - The largest cause of ill health and premature deaths in the U.K.
It claims well over 120,000 lives per year. Smoking is the cause of one-third of ALL cancer deaths (40,000 and 82% being lung cancer)
What is in a cigarette?
Below is a list I have produced to highlight the main deadly and strange ingredients a cigarette contains.
There are in actual fact, over 600 ingredients in cigarettes ranging from the bizarre to the deadly.
The main ones only are listed below;
- Formaldehyde - used for embalming dead bodies
- Ammonia - household bleach
- Acetone - paint stripper
- Cadmium - used in batteries
- Aluminium - metal linked with Alzheimer's disease
- Hydrochloric acid - industrial agent
- Ethanol - used in antifreeze
- Furfural - industrial alcohol
- Maltol - strong alcohol
- Para-methoxycinnamaldehyde - slug pellets
- Nicotine - highly toxic nerve poison. A dosage of fifty-thousandths of a gram will kill a person
- Carbon monoxide - produced by car exhausts
- D.D.T - banned pesticide
- Hydrogen cyanide - used in gas chambers in U.S.A
Others ingredients
Hydroquinone; methacoeiin; methyl alcohol; methyl nitrate; ammonia; methlamine; hydrogen sulphide; nickel compounds; benzo(a)pyrene; acetaldehyde; carbon dioxide; methyl ethyl ketone; crotonomitrile; nitrogen dioxide; hydrogen cyanide; hydrocyanic acid; acetonitrile; nitric oxide; acrylonitrile; pyridine; endrin; ethylamine; furfural; cadmium; butadione; nicotine; ddt; ethane; acetylene; metanol; phenol; creosol; benzene 2,3; methanr; isoprene; propane; acrolein; ethylene; tar (residue); metals and many more.
The Bizarre
Cocoa, honey, almonds, caramel, geranium, bay leaf oil, carrot seed oil, coffee, lemongrass, celery seeds, vanilla pods, ...and many more.
Client Testimonials
After I received treatment to stop smoking in 1995 and whilst I was sceptical, I have not smoked since. I did have a big urge for a cigarette 24 hours after treatment but with Alan's help on the phone I resisted the urge and once it left it never returned. I would give a 100% recommendation… with a small warning! You must want it to work personally. Robert.Jacqueline
Hi Alan, Your therapy – best 30 minutes of my life!! Came to you 30 years in April on an evening. Didn’t even need the tape. Did change my chain of habits – was no problem! I came from a family of smokers, Mum, Dad and friends. Never ever gave it a thought again. Although I did loathe being close to smokers afterwards – the way non-smokers always feel.Alison