Get Motivated! How to Achieve Your Goals!
Do you find yourself thinking mainly about all the bad things that have happened in your life?
Do you look at the future and assume that things are always going to turn out badly for you?
Have you ever decided to set a goal such as stopping smoking or losing weight but failed to stick to it?
Successful people are usually the ones who have set goals for themselves and stuck to them!
What stops most people from achieving goals in life is because they never get around to taking the first step at all!
Millions of people have goals they are initially excited about only to find a few days into it they have lost all their motivation to continue. How many times in life have we heard or said, “I wish I had done that” or “why didn’t I take that opportunity”?
There are millions of people who are reluctant to set goals and have various reasons why they will not. They may think it makes no sense in setting goals because they have failed in the past and don’t want to experience the feeling of failure again. When they didn’t succeed, their self-esteem plummeted and they gave up, or tried again without considering why it didn’t work the first time. They then may have made the goals for themselves unrealistic or unattainable. The main point here is, setting and reaching goals should be empowering, it should make people feel good about themselves.
How Fast Track Hypnosis from Alan Gilchrist Can Help
Using Fast Track Hypnosis helps greatly by motivating the client to keep on track to achieve their goals in life. These can come in many different forms, ranging from common ones, such as a career change, being better at sports, moving house.

Over the years I have helped many thousands of people to do just that – succeed!
Fast Track Hypnosis helps the client to choose where they want to accomplish in life, by knowing precisely what they want to achieve, then concentrating their efforts to do precisely that.
CDs are also provided to reinforce the ongoing results as they progress and finally clients are taught self hypnosis to give positive suggestions to themselves without the use of CD.
“For years I have been struggling to get rid of my excess weight. Even though I played a lot of sports I was overweight and continually overeating.
One day I picked up the courage to phone Alan for an appointment and I only wished I did it a lot sooner!! As instructed I listened to the CD every day for the month and inside 8 weeks I has lost nearly 2 stone ( 12.7 kilos )
A year later I listen to the CD every so often and have been able to maintain my weight at the level I want. I was surprised how easy it was and would recommend Alan to anybody in the same situation.
I m current listening to Alan’s goal setting CD ( after my session with him ) and totally look forward to the same successful result. Regards Alasdair “
“Hi my name is Jacqui,
I have been divorced now for almost 10 years. It was an extremely acrimonious divorce. I have one child. Even though it was me who left the marriage, I have found over the last number of years I have not been able to let go of all the hatred and bitterness relating to the divorce. I am with my new partner and have been for 4 years, he is just wonderful, but our relationship suffered dreadfully almost to the stage of splitting up because my partner could not cope with the fact that after such a long period of time I had not moved on one inch from the marriage breakup!
I went to Alan Gilchrist about 7 years ago to help me stop smoking and from the day I left the consultation I have never smoked a cigarette since.
I went back to see Alan to see if he could help once again to move on and begin living my life again. After just 3 consultations I am a new person and have completely let go of the past. I am positive, can see a future and realise now how much time I have wasted living in the past and can see a very bright future ahead of me. His treatment was wonderful! I am only annoyed that I did not seek his help many years ago. I really do feel great now and would say to anyone who feels the way I did, do not wait another day, go and seek help, I am only sorry that I waited so long and wasted so many years.
Thanks to Alan Gilchrist I am now living each day to the full. So many, many thanks Alan!
Jacqui “
Alan holds his Fast Track Hypnosis Stop smoking and Weight Control sessions at the Adair Arms Hotel, Ballymena every Thursday and also at the Lodge Hotel Coleraine every Wednesday.
For an appointment, Brochure, or free of charge initial consultation, contact
Alan Gilchrist on 02890 333303 or visit my web site