Fof – Jackie
” For 46 years on never travelling abroad with a fear of flying, getting on a boat, I finally decided it was time to do something about it.
I contacted Alan and booked my appointment, I honestly didn’t think it was going to work as my fear was too huge.
So I got the Hypnosis and didn’t feel a change in myself until I had the urge to go to the travel agents and book our holiday that I always talked of.
We went to Paris for a few days and on the plane I hadn’t a care in the world. The fear was completely gone and I was in a comfortable relaxed state the entire flight. I couldn’t believe I was finally in Paris.
Since then we have went to Florida with the family , and even bumpy landings and delayed sitting on the plane before take off.
People were stressing and worried and I was so laid back and relaxed!
I’m glad to say my fear has gone and I’m planning to start seeing the world (after another return trip to Florida)
Thank you so much Alan it’s thanks to you this is possible :)…..Jackie……. “